Week 11.24 release

Lots of improvements in this release including the possibility to override the texts shown on the plans when the plan is free. Also new CI/CD improvements, check the plan documentation for further details!

Add validation to retry Stripe Payment (#884)
Add warning/errors with usage plans and APIs are not in sync with gateway (#879)
Prevent changing plan to one with different currency than current (#882)
Adding response_timestamp and usage_report_id to analytics log table (#880)
Add status to plan, and the ability to archive plans. (#872)
Support the function of disabling system pages e.g. Full API Reference (#873)
Improve subscription flow and redundancies on portal (#895)
Refactor the apis url remove version (#897)
Add additional email properties (#894)
Add label overrides to FREE plan prices (#893)
Logic not to try to cancel a subscription that's already canceled in stripe (#892)
Notify API consumer if subscription exists (#886)

🚀 Features
New CI/CD endpoints! (#881)
Add custom units on Monetization (#877)
Add UriKeywordCriteria to Usage Based monetization filtering @TingCandyChen (#876)

🐛 Bug Fixes
Fix the issue that it still shows the authorization after cancelling the subscription (#878)
Add changeLog to update old product menuItems data (#874)

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